If you become a close contact person
?(Correspondence of a close contact person, guidelines for the stay-at-home quarantine)


Revised December 28, 2022

Main changes
  • “Close Contact Report Form” is newly required to be filled out.
  • The “Health Observation Report Form” and “Behavioral record & List of people whom you were in close contact with (Form 2)” were discontinued.


 If you are classified as a close contact person through informing by a Covid-19 positive person, you should immediately stay at home and report to Yamaguchi University using the “Report Form for close contacts (for students/for staff)”. In addition, please apply for the Yamaguchi Prefecture Antigen Test Kit for Close Contacts and get the test kit.

Close Contact Report Form [For Students]

Close Contact Report Form [For Faculty and Staff]


Stay-at-home quarantine period

 Close contact persons are generally required to stay at home for 5 days.
 However, in unavoidable cases such as serious inconvenience to study or work, the stay-at-home quarantine period can be lifted on the third day only if you have no symptoms and the qualitative antigen test (voluntary test or test kit provided by the prefecture) using a government-approved “in vitro diagnostic pharmaceuticals or Class 1 drug” is negative on the second and third days consecutively, or if the PCR test on the third day is negative.?
 In those cases, please upload a photo showing the results of the PCR test and self-check test were “negative” through “Close Contact Report Form”
 The stay-at-home quarantine of close contact person will be lifted by a reply from the Health Administration Center. Please note that shortened return on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will not be allowed.

Notes for result submitting

?Please allow at least 12 hours between tests.
?In the case of self-check testing, please include a photograph of the package showing that it is a government-approved “in vitro diagnostic pharmaceuticals or Class 1 drug”.
?Please include information of date and time of testing into the photo.

<an example of uploaded photo>


 Please note the following points until 7 days have passed even after the stay-at-home quarantine has ended.

?Self-check of health condition, such as temperature check.
?Avoid contact with people at high risk of serious illness (the elderly, people with underlying medical conditions, etc.).
?Avoid unnecessary visits to facilities where many people at high risk of serious illness are staying or being hospitalized.
?Avoid using facilities with a high risk of infection and eating together, and take thorough infection prevention measures such as wearing non-woven masks.

?* However, medical staff shall be handled separately.


Health Observation

Please download the “Health Observation Report Form” and record your physical condition and temperature, etc. (Please continue until the stay-at-home quarantine is lifted)